Wednesday, 29 January 2014

3 inactive LMMS Artists

Yes they are inactive and probably will not return. However their music was amazing.
UPDATE: Andi de Chigora returned from the dead!
rs7 have produced 13 sounds. I would describe the songs as electronic bordering the rock genre. Some of them are very interesting and thrilling. I can feel that he put a lot of work into these songs. They have a soul, they aren't songs produced for kidding around or having fun, they forward a message. Many of his songs builds up towards a climax at the end. This last part of the song is the best part and really awesome! I think it is a shame these parts usually only are seconds long and a tiny fraction of the song.
Andi de Chigora from Spain was a master in using new sounds in his songs. Because he was so good at it he became kind of famous, thus explaining the 400 followers. He produced electronic few had heard before and it is extremely interesting, definitively worth checking out. Good mastering and really high quality on all of his songs. I dare say this guy was one of the best LMMS producers.
souler from Poland made many different songs in different genres. In some of his songs he even sings. I am quite unsure how many songs of his was actually created with LMMS. I know three of them were, but the rest might be samplesongs like smallvirgin does it.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Features LMMS could have

I am writing all my ideas here and only filing some of them on Github. Also some of these are probably not good and can be done in a better way, so then it is good they aren't filed yet.
  1. Copy and paste more than one segment in the song editor.
  2. Group instrument tracks
  3. Draw automation with path/vector tools
  4. Play samples in the sample track from anywhere (at least from each bar).
  5. Export to MIDI
  6. Export between loop points.
  7. Transform a B&B track to a normal instrument track. Makes it easier to go in and spice it up with variations.
  8. Audio recording
  9. In the B&B editor. Option to hide unused drum tracks so you don't have to scroll down to see the drums in action.
  10. Connect a sample track to an instrument track and use the instruments (MIDI) notes to move the sound sample up and down in real time. In other words; if I had automated the green square in AudioFileProcessor it would move the sample up and down (in real time). Kind of like how autotune would control the pitch. You would need LMMS to make sure the sample don't run slower or faster on lower and higher notes than the original. Could possibly be implemented by giving Sample Track exactly that, a green button, and it's own window similar to AFP.
  11. A Piano Roll Editor where you set the start (noteOn) and end (noteOff). If you set noteOff on a different note than noteOn it will pitch bend with automation. Graphics (colored lines between?) show what start and end is connected to each other.
  12. Ghost Notes: See selected intrument tracks in one Piano Roll, different color.

Gdd7171 (LMMS artist)

Listen to Gdd7171

Georgi Dobrev uses Gdd7171 as his artist name. This man is a real composer in my eyes. He has been around for some time now and has kept up with producing amazing orchestral pieces of music, so I found out that now is the time to finally let you guys find out about him if you haven't already.

His music is soothing, calming and very impressing when it comes to the composition. Violins in the form of backgrounds pads are always an element in his songs in addition to drums. The drum beat are never too strong or too weak, they blend well with the song style. Guitar, piano and even voices it seems in perfect harmony. All instruments sounds like they are real, I really wonder if that is the case!?! Gdd7171 mostly produce calm orchestral and sometimes adds trash guitars so it ends up like rock. I think the music style is somewhat similar of those of the old popular artists Europe and Vangelis.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Keeping track in mailing lists

Reading mails from mailing lists can be difficult and time consuming. How do you keep track of the different topics and discussion threads? You don't, with mails.
One weekend away... BOOM

But the Internet has a solution. Lists in forum style:

Friday, 10 January 2014

LMMS wakes up, and it's a monster

HOW can I have gotten 32 new mails from the lmms devel list in 15 hours? (30 minutes later) HOLY CRAP, more messages.
What I read is going on now is that people throw themselves into discussions about:

  • Project Manager (Not) Wanted. A new head of LMMS is replaced by several people working with different tasks (programming, GUI, ).
  • Project migrates to Github. Github is the new for developers. All patches should be based on the new master branch.
  • Change the name. Most people want to keep the acronym LMMS, but drop the association with Linux. Many also want to vote for a new name.
  • Change the logo. Most people want to have a voting and change it.
  • Improved GUI.
    • Vesa accepted to act as coordinator for UI design (or all volunteers?). 
    • Arrangement of icons. Move global buttons (Play) to the top bar.
    • Arrangement of windows. Many want a single window mode like GIMP instead of floating windows. Suggested as an optional option.
    • Using CSS. Layout could possibly be managed by the theme. (Downscaling to tablets/mobiles would be less of a problem.)
  • Developer meetings. Fund a meeting with Kickstarter or use Google Hangout.
  • Real time safety? One could implement a new engine called unison written by Paul Giblock which would be better for live performances. This would require a lot of work and thus it would take a lot of time from developers, so everything else would then pause.
  • Portable/web versions of LMMS. I say this is bullshit. Someone, anyone, you can take the source and make it happen. Not the LMMS team. We have limited resources and even Coca Cola wouldn't make a program available on all freakin' platforms.
  • New lsp. Wordpress as most likely successor. Needs to be discussed a lot more, I have not joined this yet.
  • Mail or forum or both. Mail is fast and developers like it? Forums is more structured (and thus effective). New fast forums for devs needed. Mailing lists can however be read like forums

I LOVE the enthusiasm, at the same time as I fear the devel-list is being drowned in own opinions and new ideas which complicates the actual development of LMMS. Luckily development moved to Github so pathes don't get lost in the mails.

This was unbelievable. I just sat two hours and wrote this summary for the last 20 hours. Something big is happening, much thanks to unfa.

By the way, in the middle of this the Facebook page reached 1000 likes.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Where LMMS users hide

At least 10 000 persons use LMMS, but have you ever talked to one of them? Where do they hide, you ask?

About 60 of these 10 000 is interested in talking. The rest of them want to make music in quiet peace. The "active" users live in many countries; most of them in USA and Germany, and most of them can be reached through the forums, facebook page, google+ or the LMMS mailing lists. I think there might be Spanish and Polish sites where people meet too.

Some users have teamed up. The reason users have teamed up in larger groups is to cooperate, share knowledge or help each other out with bugs and errors. The LMMS group Avelocity cooperates through Skype and Facebook. The Skype chat has evolved into a huge music chat not limited to LMMS users. There might be other groups out there like this.

I estimate that 90% of the community aren't actively participating in any of the sites above, however some of these guys are still releasing their music on Soundcloud, YouTube, lsp and other sites. Everyone of them could be interested in a cooperation, not sure they only want quiet peace but I reckon they are more interested in making music than discussing.

End note
I wrote this because of something I read on the developer list which currently is being spammed by everyone but developers. lmms-devel link. Now I have forgot what it was. Anyway it can't be bad to have a little description about LMMS-demographics.