Sunday, 2 February 2014

Revolution of LMMS

Revolution: A fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. - Wikipedia
LMMS 1.0.0 is soon to arrive with a lot of new features, bug fixes and new GUI. A new icon and splash screen has been chosen as well, or have been tried chosen. A few of us (devel mailing-list) stated what icon we liked the most out of the alternatives and then voted for green or orange. The new icon will look like a headphone with triangles in it and it will be orange/yellow, I think. Few knows who takes the decisions I believe, or, we are trying to be democratic, but what the outcome of  decisions are... I guess we will know when the version is released?

Will it be LMMS 1.0.0 or NAME 1.0.0? People on da list are talking about changing the name from Linux MultiMedia Studio to LMMS or a totally different name. For Linux users this makes no sense, but fact is Windows users are the biggest user base LMMS has right now and obviously the program are therefore very little connected to linux from windows users point of view. A downside with getting a brand new name is the good reputation the program has gotten will perhaps fade away... Is this a joke or not? I feel that it isn't. However I know that if we are to give the software a new name it better be better than the current one, and most names I have heard people come up with... Let's all start thinking guys!

I want to write; How democratic are this community? I wanted to write that because of the 1079 likers of the FB page I estimate only 10 of them said their meaning about the icon and is going to do so with the new name. At the same time this could be a good thing because users don't necessarily know a shit about nothing.