Hmm, perhaps. We have one beloved developer who have taken charge and does approximately everything on the developer side... okay, half of it, and then other devs come and go and submit patches now and then. That is of course OK, no one can demand that people will work on LMMS 24/7. It is better with a few changes each month. So in total LMMS is still moving forward.
The reason I am worried is because there is less and less activity on the mailing list, the developer mailinglist! Cause I think that when people don't answer the mails, they start to skip reading them, and then eventually never checks by. And discussions is how LMMS can evolve in a good way, how bad decicions can be avoided and how ideas and excitement is created. Luckily discussions are still alive on github!
I don't know how it will look in the future, but LMMS need more developers and involved people for sure if it is to survive. Finding developers who want to work on a music program for free on their spare time is hard, no doubt. I will try to continue the FB page, that is the only thing I feel dedicated to do and know how to do. Writing articles on the wiki takes too long for one person, so after about seven articles... I am pretty much waiting on others to write them.