Saturday 3 August 2013

Top LMMS songs all times!

Welcome to an unofficial list of the top songs in LMMS universe.

Update: Because I suspected spamming I have corrected the voting number on Dubstep age by Locomatt. Those 8 of you who voted on on this song in the time period from 04/08/2013 17:19:37 to 05/08/2013 12:33:30 may identify yourself in comments below.

Do you think another song should top the list? Then you can do something about that. Vote! If you have several favorites choose everyone. Do you know about a hidden LMMS diamond? Do you have another favorite LMMS song?
Two rules:
  1. You cannot add a song you have made yourself. 
  2. The song has to be made or remixed in LMMS. 
Suggest songs (title and artist) in the text field of the poll or add a comment to this post. When I update the list with your suggestion I will give that song the 1 corresponding vote.


The list updates approximately every minute.


  1. Dude this is such a great idea. Keep it up man!

  2. really a great idea! this will push the motivation making awesome songs even more ;)

  3. Love the Way I'm on the list!! (I'm Nathan(Triplex))

  4. is it too late to add a new song ???

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the unknown is me :

  7. Somehow its not moving anymore.
    this should be on the lsp :)
