Friday 12 December 2014

The art of noise

Have you heard about white noise? You probably have. Imagine a piano which have one key for every Hz, if you press all the keys at once, the noise will be white noise. Now I have assumed that each key plays at the same volume. Have you heard about pink noise? Brown noise? There is a whole color spectrum describing noise! This wikipedia article was fun to read.

Saturday 6 December 2014

LMMS workarounds 2

Did you know that a user can adapt to a bug / misbehaviour / unfinished function in three ways? They are called fitting, agument and workaround. I bet you all have heard about the last one, though your definition of workaround is probably not correct. That was the case with me, at least.

According to Les Gasser.
  • Fitting: From the word fit so you can probably guess the meaning. It is when the users adapt to the progam error by changing his own habits. Example: If an internet program is slow in the middle of the day, you simply figure out to use it mornings or evenings instead. In LMMS using fewer CPU demanding instruments could be an example of fitting.
  • Augement: Again, the meaning of the word is hinting to what it means. It is when a user adapt to a program by doing extra work. Example: If a program give you wrong calculation 1% of the time, you can run it twice and see if the result is the same, cause if it is, it is 99.5 % chance it is the correct result of the calculation. In LMMS the augmenting technique have been widely used, actually you can not yet copy several patterns, you can however open a text editor and do it.
  • Workaround: From working around. This means that the user adapt to the program error by using the program in a way it wasn't designed for, or use another program instead. From my experience workaround occurs much rarer than fitting and augmenting, but it is more common in use because the term is wrongly used about users adapting to bugs in general. Example: LMMS, see below.
Notice the text?! Not the regular one.
Note containers clearly wasn't meant to write text, but dividing your project into parts in LMMS hasn't been easy cause there aren't any dedicated function for it. So in that case some users have come up with another way of dealing with it. I have also seen text written with B&B squares, they managed to get the squares small by using the function in LMMS where you hold down CTRL while dragging up or down on a blank track area.

The text as seen in the Piano Roll.
Notice that the user have turned the volume to 0.

Other examples of workarounds in LMMS is when you use other programs, like Audacity, for some parts of your song production.

So the bottomline of this text, the last workaround post, was completely wrong use of the word workaround.

Monday 1 December 2014

Dubstep in LMMS

So I know a lot of people are wondering if dubstep can be done in LMMS, yes it can. I usually provide a link to those guys too, so if you are searching the internet here are some good

Yeah, so this blog is all about promotion of good LMMS music and artists. Use the search bar to find more music made with LMMS!
PS: Genres are the same as licences, a hell. You can quote me on that. Who cares if the tunes cannot by definition be classified as dubstep? Yhey are dubby enough in my opinion, and frankly few knows what dubstep is defined as, and even fewer can tell the difference between dubstep and twostep, complextro and so on... Or are they subgenres? Oh well, a hell.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Free Software FTW

I got a sudden urge to write strong opinions. Expensive music program, go fuck yourself. I think I have settled on a vision about music and software I found really nice when thinking about it just now.
Quote my brain:
Everyone, poor and rich, as long as they have got a computer, they should have the same opportunities to use their creativity to express themselves musically.
This is not really a ground breaking thought, still, think about it. Seriously, don't read more, stop and think about what this ideal would mean and perhaps how it fails. I just thought about it (good thinking me!) and came to the conclusion that this vision is partly fullfilled. It exists many programs and devices that you can make music with and you don't need any expensive equipment. You can of course play an instrument, but we are talking electronic music production here, or else we wouldn't be here?

Also the reason we are talking electronic music production is because at some point in the process every popular song today must have been trough a computer in its making, and often most of it has been created on the computer. So in that case, you and I should have the same percentage chance of creating the next hit with a free music program, if we are somewhat decent producers of course. Point is, you don't, I don't, and no one can create the next hit in one program which is open source because there are no good enough softwares. Or so it seems, it could also be that when you get good enough, even though the programs you use are enough, they aren't enough...
A creation in a free program should be able to become just as good as a creation in an expensive software would.
I know I am writing about this like a human right, but for me, it seems unfair that some people can become famous if they got the money, at least in the music business, because people of the world cannot listen to noise and call it music. The unfairness lays, as usual, in that some people is actually better at making music than others, but they don't have the chance or money to do it even if they want. This is practically an impossible thing to correct, but I am making an effort through LMMS. Laying the basis with a program that could evolve into a decent competitor to FL studio on the areas sound and compositon. Audacity could be the mixer and mastering tool, although I feel both have a long way to go before matching any commercial software.