Friday 2 November 2012

A cleaner css document for LMMS

Because of the total mess in the css document I decided to clean up at least a little bit. So my version is at least a bit better to understand.

Later I discovered that Notepad is perhaps not the best editor for css documents... Even the preview on Google is neatly arranged... So basically only use my version if you are going to edit in notepad


  1. Wait, what? LMMS uses CSS for its styles? Or did I misunderstand something about LMMS?

    1. You are partly right in that. LMMS uses a lot of images and icons, then a little bit CSS, and then some of the GUI are not customizable. However some/one of the theme creators came up with the idea to add what lacked in the CSS document. Basically he added gradients on top of the LMMS GUI, and it must be gradients. This worked for almost all of the GUI except the FX-mixer, controller rack and the settings windows. If you download one of the latest themes you can see for yourself.
