Monday 23 September 2013

D3ATH STR0K3 (LMMS Artist)

Listen to D3ATH STR0K3

Like Smallvirgin D3ATH STR0K3 uses LMMS mostly as sequencer 1. He also makes use of Audacity to edit the sounds. Still it is LMMS, and the tunes are awesome. With over 550 followers on Soundcloud and over 3000 views on the most popular video on YouTube D3ATH STR0K3 is already well known, but maybe not so famous in the LMMS community. His real name is Malik Walker and he is from the US.

The songs keeps a really high quality after my opinion; loud kicks, bright cymbals and nice high, mid and low frequencies. He produces within the genres pop, RnB and hip hop. In addition to these I would say that some of his songs are close to being ambient, the only thing which differ is the drumbeat.

The songs is supposed to sound sampled; a little glitchy and very repetitive. My personal opinion is that this is awesome, you are allowed to disagree. Not every song of his is like that though, so I bet you can find something you like. A benefit with sampling is that you then easy can include singing in your song. Songs with vocals are definitely more interesting for most people.

D3ATH STR0K3 on Soundlcoud
D3ATH STR0K3 on YouTube


  1. Wow I never knew that there was an blog on me. I feel very gratious and surprised in the best way possible. I never that people thought my music was good or even good enough to blog about. I want to give a big thanks for telling the world about me.

    Sincerely D3ATH STR0K3

  2. There is a blog about nearly every good LMMS artist, like you. This blog! At least I try -_-
