Thursday 26 December 2013

Introducing LMMS search

Remember having browsed through an overwhelming blog archive looking after old posts you remembered seeing, or how messy it was to find all the posts about one topic? Well, now it can all be done in a groundbreaking new way.

Introducing The Search Field (powered by Google). With just a word you can get multiples of tens of posts. You can find the post you wanted in just a few seconds. Simply type in a word in the search field and click, yeah, you guessed it, the "search" button. And brace yourself, it gets better. I have added the LMMS forums, LMMS-devel mailing list, the LMMS wiki (+ github) and all LMMS blogs I could find into this mega-LMMS search engine! You are of course given options to narrow the search.

Slogan: With The Search Field, you get just what you want to find.

Have fun. I mean. Effective searching.

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