Tuesday 3 June 2014

Deeptone Overdose (LMMS artist)

Listen to Deeptone Overdose

This Deeptone Overdose (previously TG Complex, I think), is seemingly popular on YouTube. 120 subscribers and 3k views qualifies for a little article here on my blog. Also I like that he openly says:
I want to show you that you dont need a 500.000$ Music Studio to make music. The only thing that you need is an open source program (lmms.
He makes dubstep, electro, industrial and experimental music, as far as my genre understanding reaches in that direction. Trash guitars, raw synths, glitching and interesting drums are common sounds and effects in his creations. The drum beats are interesting and cool, he also use different percussive instruments than most artists. His style is beats, I would say, not so much tunes.

Deeptone Overdose on YouTube
Deeptone Overdose on SoundCloud

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